18 Apr 2012

Comillas University, Madrid.

On the 24th of March we presented the Psychomotricity program we have developed for the visually impaired children and adolescents in the Sebeta school in Ethiopia, in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Psychopraxis center in the Comillas univeristy in  Madrid. 

Psychomotor activity and stimulation is of vital importance mainly because it favors the the development of the different areas relating to diverse functions/activities, such as the motor, the congitive, the effection-emotional, the social, the personal autonomy, speaking and  communication, and  all are  fundamental for the development of basic learning skills, autonomy and personal identity.
Cognitively, vision has a leading role in all that concerns orientation and the structuring of the field of action, all of which influence decisively in the precision of movement and its speed.

The development of awareness of the environment of the visually impaired child is more difficult as the child has no direct perception of things. The visually impaired child's notion of the visual field is acquired through a succession of  events and phenomena that through tactile input supplants the visual orientation.

But what happens when we go over to Ethiopia to put in motion a psychomotricity program for blind children? 
Theory falls in to a second plane and all our accumulated professional experience and our developmental experience as children become the foundations of the project.
The careful observation of the people, their customs and our ability to adapt to them applying respect, will facilitate the putting in to effect the program which must take in to account the real necessities of the population  and which will favor the independence of the  program which must be eventually run by local staff.

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